Thursday, December 6, 2012

Some Basic Networking Commands : Linux/Windows

I this post i am gonna write about some basic Networking commands used in Windows/Linux that i found important.
  • Display Network configuration and interfaces
    1. windows : "ipconfig" or "ipconfig /all"
    2. Linux: "ifconfig" or "ifconfig interface-name"
  • Show all running Tasks/Applications
    1. windows : "tasklist
    2. Linux: "ps aux" or "top" (Top is used to show memory and CPU used by running process)
  • Kill a task
    1. windows : "taskkill -pid 4000" or "taskkill -im iexplore.exe" ( Here -im is for image name)
    2. Linux: "kill -9 pid"
  • Displays the active TCP connections and ports on which the computer is listening
    1. windows : "netstat -a"
    2. Linux: "netstat -an"
  • Diagnose the Domain Name System (DNS) : Resolves a hostname to IP address
    1. windows : "nslookup
    2. Linux: "dig"
  • Ping : tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable or not.
    1. windows/Linux IPv4 : "ping"
    2. Windows/Linux IPv6: "ping6 9901::1"
  • Path Ping : To see all the routers present in path to Destination
    1. windows : "pathping
    2. Linux: "tracepath"
  • Assign IP/Subnet to Linux interfaces
    1. Linux - IPv4 : "ifconfig eth0 netmask"
    2. or Linux - IPv4 : "ifconfig eth0"
    3. Linux - IPv6 : "ifconfig eth1 inet6 add 9901::2/64 "
  • Delete IP from Linux interfaces
    1. Linux - IPv4 : "ifconfig eth1 del netmask"
    2. Linux - IPv6 : "ifconfig eth1 inet6 del 9901::2/64"
  • Change MTU(Maximum Transmit Unit through an Interface) of Linux interfaces
    1. Linux : "ifconfig interface_name mtu value"
    2. Linux : "ifconfig eth1 mtu 1300"
  • Print routing tables
    1. windows : "netstat -r" or "route print"
    2. Linux- IPv4: "route -A inet" or "route -4" or "ip route"
    3. Linux -IPv6: "route -A inet6" or "route -6" or "ip -6 route"
    • Add/Delete static routes
      1. windows- IPv4 : "route add mask"
      2. Windows - IPv6 : "netsh interface ipv6 add route 9901::/64 "Local Area Connection" 2001::1"
      3. Linux-IP4: "route add -net netmask gw"
      4. Linux-IP4: "ip route add via"
      5. Linux-IP6: "route -A inet6 add 9901::/64 gw 2001:0db8:0:f101::1"
      6. Linux-IP6: "ip -6 route add 9901::/64 via 2001:0db8:0:f101::1"
    • Trace route : to diagnostic tool for displaying the route
      1. windows : "tracert"
      2. Linux: "traceroute"
    • Secure Shell :SSH is a network protocol for secure data communication and remote command execution
      1. SSH-IPv4 : "ssh username@IPv4_address" Ex: ssh root@ then it will ask you for password.
      2. SSH-IPv6: "ssh username@IPv6_address"  Ex : ssh username@9901::1.
    • Secure FTP : SFTP is a network protocol that provides file access, file transfer, and file management functionalities over any reliable data stream.
      1. SFTP-IPv4 : "sftp username@IPv4_address". Ex: sftp root@
      2. Linux: "sftp username@[IPv6_address]". Ex:  sftp username@[9901::15]
    • Secure Copy or SCP : Secure copy or SCP is a means of securely transferring computer files between a local host and a remote host or between two remote hosts. It is based on the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.
      1. SCP Linux : scp  username@IP:/Dir/File_name /local_dir
      2. Ex:     scp  root@ .
      3. SCP windows : For windows you can use, WinSCP. Its a GUI based tool.

      Monday, October 29, 2012

      How to Use Android Phone as a Modem

      In this post I am gonna show you how to use Your Android 4.1 (Jelly beans)  Phone as a Modem to access internet in your Tablet/Laptop.
      There are three ways to do this.

      1.Wireless : This is the easiest and simplest way.This will create a wireless network.There is no need to have USB cable. Just follow these steps:

      • In your Smart phone go to Settings -> More -> Mobile networks. checks on the Data enabled and set your access point name and Network Operators.
      • Now go to Settings -> More -> Tethering & Portable hotspot. Click on the Setup Wi-Fi Hotspot and set SSID and Password. Password must have at least 8 characters. Click on save.
      • Now Enable Portable Wi-Fi hotspot.
      • Go to your laptop, iPad or any device which supports WiFi, search for available wireless networks and select “AndroidAP” option.
      • Thats it. You are now connected with internet. Just go to your Browser and open

      2. PDANet : PDANet With over 6 million downloads and a 4.5+ user ratings in Android Market, PdaNet has become one of the top 10 Android applications of all time. At just one click, PdaNet instantly shares the Internet access of your Android phone with your computer. It does NOT require root access or hacking your phone's firmware. It works on all Android phones.
      Follow the steps below to install and configure PDANet. For more info click here.
      • Go the Android Market on your cell phone. Use the search function and enter the following search: "pdanet". Download and Install the PDANet 3.50.
      • Go to Settings enable USB debugging mode. Settings -> Developer options -> USB debugging.
      • Download and Install the PDANet for your Windows and Mac. Restart your computer once installation is complete
      • Now connect your android Device using USB cable.
      • Open PdaNet on your Android and tap "Enable USB Tether" to enable your Android to act as the modem for your computer. 
      • Now click on PDANet icon on your computer and choose "connect internet". This will connect your PC to the Internet via your cell phone. Just go to your Browser and open
      • Your can also send SMS by your phone using PDANet. Just click on PDANet Icon and select "start SMS agent". A new window will be opened. Choose contact and send SMS.

      3. FoxFi : FoxFi enables WiFi or Bluetooth Hotspot on your Android phone - no tether plan or rooting required. Bluetooth mode works for all phones. WiFi mode currently works on most Samsung/Motorola/LG phones and new HTC phones with Android 4.0 (HTC One etc).
      • To install FoxFi just go to Google play and search for this app.
      • For WiFi mode enter WiFi Name and password ( at least 8 characters) then Activate WiFi Hotspot.
      • For Bluetooth, Activate Bluetooth DUN.

      Thursday, October 11, 2012

      Google search features and image search

      In this post I am gonna show you , how to use Google Search effectively.

      1. Image Search : Drag the image to search box on to find the similar image on Internet. The first result guesses the best possible information about the image. You can color filter the search by clicking on "Visually similar" on left pannel to find similar type of images for that image.
      2. Define "word": Google can be used as a dictionary using 'Define' keyword.  Ex: Define gravity
      3. Site keyword : To search with in a website site keyword is used. Ex: engineering
      4. Filetype keyword :  To search specific file over the internet. Ex: filetype:mp3 jenifer lopez 
      5. Intext : Operator to ensure the word you want, is actually on the page you find. Ex: engineering intext:cse
      6. Weather "city-name" : To know weather of a city. Ex: weather bangalore
      7. Minus operator : To exclude  keywords in the search result .Ex : engineering -cse
      8. Sunrise "city" : To know the time of sunrise in particular city. Ex: sunrise bangalore
      9. Time "City" : Ex: time bangalore
      10. Movies "city" :Ex: movies Bangalore
      11. Population "City" : Population of a city,country. Ex: population india
      12. Area "city" : Ex- area bangalore

      Wednesday, August 1, 2012

      Useful Indicators for Ubuntu

      Hey Guys, Welcome back after a long period of time.
      In this post, I am going to talk about various system monitor and other useful indicator for Ubuntu.

      System Monitor Indicator

      1. System Load Monitor indicate the usage of CPU, Memory(RAM), Network Upload and Download speed, Disk read and Write speed and available SWAP space.
      2. Follow these command to install it.
      • " sudo add-apt-repository ppa:indicator-multiload/stable-daily "
      • " sudo apt-get update "
      • " sudo apt-get install indicator-multiload "

      Weather Indicator

      Install using Command Line
      • " sudo apt-get install indicator-weather "

      Wednesday, July 4, 2012

      Reset Forgotten Windows Passwords

      Hi guys, this is my new blog post about resetting forgotten windows password !
      You have lost your windows password.what would you do now ?
      Here is the solution Trinity Rescue Kit. For this you will need a Pendrive or Blank CD.I have used this software many times. It is the best available software for resetting windows password.

      Trinity Rescue Kit or TRK is a free live Linux distribution that aims specifically at recovery and repair operations on Windows machines, but is equally usable for Linux recovery issues.

      It is possible to boot TRK in three different ways:
      - Bootable CD : Use FreeIsoBurner , MagicISO or any other software that your like to create bootable CD.
      - USB stick/disk
      - From network over PXE

      Features :
      1. Reset lost or forgotten Windows passwords.
      2. Recover lost or deleted files.
      3. Recover lost partitions.
      4. Clone NTFS-formatted Windows drives.
      Download :
      You can download the latest version of TRK from here

      Enjoy !!!

      Thursday, June 14, 2012

      Encrypt and Decrypt files in ubuntu

      ccrypt is a utility for encrypting and decrypting files. It is based on the Rijndael cipher, which is the U.S. government's chosen candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard . This cipher is believed to provide very strong security.
      To install it run the following command:
      • " sudo apt-get install ccrypt "
      To Encrypt the file run following command:
      • " ccrypt filename "
      You will be prompted to submit desired password to encrypt file which will be required to decrypt the file.

      To Decrypt run following command:
      • " ccrypt -d filename "
      Enjoy !!!

      Sunday, June 10, 2012

      Create command shortcut (Alias) in Ubuntu

      There are many commands that we use very frequently. Some of these commands are lengthy so it takes time to write these commands again and again. In ubuntu we can create shortcut for these commands which is called alias .To create aliases in ubuntu follow these steps:

      1. Create a text file in your home directory

      • gedit ~/.bash_aliases "

      2. Now  to add alias follow this syntax and put this into .bash_aliases file:
      • " alias Short_command='Original_long_command' "
      Example :    alias update='sudo apt-get update'

      These are the few tips related to alias
      1. To check current aliases list: alias
      2. To check an existing alias: alias ALIAS_NAME
      3. To remove an existing alias: unalias ALIAS_NAME
      Enjoy !!!

      Friday, June 8, 2012

      Record Skype Voice Calls On Ubuntu

      In this blog post i am going to show you, how can you record Skype Voice Calls on Ubuntu.
      There is a utility called Skype Call Recorder which is available on Ubuntu Repository .Follow these steps to install it.
      Open Your Terminal and Type :
      • " sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dajhorn/skype-call-recorder "
      • " sudo apt-get update "
      • " sudo apt-get install skype-call-recorder "
      Now launch the Skype then start Skype Call Recorder to record your calls.
      By default all recorded calls will be saved in a folder Skype Calls in your Home directory.

      These are the some features of Skype Call Recorder.
      - Record calls to MP3, Ogg Vorbis or WAV files
      - Automatic and manual recording
      - Configure automatic recording on per-caller basis
      - Split stereo recording
      - Completely free

      Enjoy !!!

      Monday, May 21, 2012

      How To Set Proxy in Ubuntu terminal

      If you are under a proxy server, and want to access net using http or ftp through Terminal,you will need to export http_proxy/ftp_proxy variables. 
       For a HTTP proxy, simply run the following command in a terminal
      •  export http_proxy='http://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port " 
      For a HTTPs and FTP 
      •  export https_proxy=https://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port 
      •  export ftp_proxy=ftp://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port   
      If there is no username and password required for your proxy then simply remove the username and password section. 

      • " export https_proxy=https://proxy_ip:port "
      These settings are saved into  /etc/apt/apt.conf file .So you can directly add these variables using text editor .First open the apt.conf file
      • " sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf "
      then enter the username,password,proxy_ip and port in given format
      •  Acquire::http::proxy "http://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port ";
      •  Acquire::https::proxy "https://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port" ;
      •  Acquire::ftp::proxy "ftp://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port ";

      Enjoy !!!!

      Wednesday, May 16, 2012

      How to solve Google sign in issue in Picasa (Ubuntu)

      In a earlier blog post i talked about how to use Picasa software to store unlimited imaged and videos on PicasaWeb . Many of you may have installed  Picasa on Ubuntu(Linux) .But when you try to log in into your google account to upload images on Picasaweb or Google+ , it gives error check your internet connection (atleast with me it always happened).
      In this blog i am going to show you how to install picasa and solve the login issue .
      The "trick" is simply to install Internet Explorer 6 using Winetricks, which is required because Picasa 3.9 uses Google OAuth.

      Step# 1. Install Wine and Winetricks using following commands
      • "sudo apt-get install wine winetrick"
      Step# 2. Install Picasa 3.9
      • "cd && wget" or "manually download it to your home directory using this link"
      • "wine picasa39-setup.exe" (it will prompt for path where you want to install Picasa , I chose my document folder)
      Step# 3. To login to google account you must install IE6 via winetricks using following command
      • "winetricks ie6
      (If IE setup doesn't start and you get an error then you can manually download IE6 from this link in ~/.cache/winetricks/ie6/ folder  then run "winetricks ie6" )

      Step# 4. when the installation of IE6  is successful , run Picasa .Now click the login link on the Picasa the Google/Picasa login should now work. :)

      Enjoy !!!!

      Monday, May 14, 2012

      How To Skip Ads On YouTube

      Everyone likes Youtube but ads while viewing videos is a big problem.Some Users are getting fed up with these video ads that are forced to watch.
      Here i am giving you a simple way to skip these ads on Google Chrome .
      Install this addons on Google Chrome :

      This extension adds a blue button to the YouTube video page. Users have to click on the button every time to skip the ads on the site.Here is the snapshot :

      enjoy ads free Youtube :)

      Saturday, May 12, 2012

      Install TV-Maxe (SopCast Player) in Ubuntu and watch online TV

      TV-MAXE is an application that you can use to watch TV stations online, through a P2P technology called SopCast.

      To install the latest TV-Maxe in Ubuntu, use the commands below:
      • "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:venerix/blug"
      • "sudo apt-get update"
      • "sudo apt-get install tv-maxe"
      enjoy !!!

      watching HBO :)

      Available TV-Channels on TV-MAXE
      1. AXN
      2. AXN Crime
      3. AXN Sci-Fi
      4. BBC News
      5. BBC World
      6. CNBC
      7. Cartoon Network
      8. CNN
      9. Comedy Central
      10. Discovery Channel
      11. Disney Channel
      12. ESPN
      13. HBO
      14. HBO Comedy
      15. HBO HD
      16. Hit Music TV
      17. MGM
      18. MOOZ HD
      19. MOOZ Hits
      20. History Channel
      21. National Geographic
      22. Sony Entertainment ........and many more ( Total 123 channel Romania and International channels )

      Add Subscription :

      If You have any subscription of channels then you can also add this subscription to TV-maxe .
      • Go to : "TV-maxe > Preferences > subscriptions " and Click on add.
      Here i am giving you a international channel subscription .it contains 24 channels. You can add this to your subscription.

      Add Channels :
      You can also add your favorite  channels as follow :
      • Click on : "TV-maxe > list > add a new channel"  (a new window will be prompted)

      • Add New channel name and  its URL .You can also add icon to this channel .
      Here i am giving you some of my favorite indian channels name with their Streaming URL. You can add these channels to TV-maxe :)

      Tuesday, May 8, 2012

      Edit videos using ffmpeg in linux ubuntu

      FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the leading audio/video codec library and the ffmpeg command line program for transcoding multimedia files.
      • Install ffmpeg in Ubuntu : "sudo apt-get install ffmpeg"
       FFmpeg commands to edit videos :

      1. Extracting a clip from a longer video( -ss for start time , -t for end time and -sameq for same quality)
      • "ffmpeg -ss 00:06:09 -t 00:00:15 -i infile.avi  -sameq  outfile.avi"

       2. Merge audio and video
      • "ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -i input.avi -sameq output.avi"
      3. Convert a file from one format to another
      • "ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mpg"
      4. Change resolution of video ( -s = size)
      • "ffmpeg -i  inputfile.avi  -s 320x240  outputfile.avi"
      5. Crop a video
      • "ffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -croptop 88 -cropbottom 88 -cropleft 360 -cropright 360 outputfile.avi"
      6. Extract (save) all Frames of a videos ( "-r"=  rate (fps)  )
      • "ffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -r 1  image-%3d.jpeg"
      7. Extract audio from a video ( -b = bit rate)
      • "ffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -b 128k out.mp3"

      Enjoy !!!!

      Friday, May 4, 2012

      Github - the Git revision control system

      GitHub is the most popular Git hosting site which provides social networking functionality such as feeds, followers and the network graph to display how developers work on their versions of a repository.
      I started using git one year before and i am a great fan of github.It provides 300 MB of free space for creating public repositories. You can also create private repositories under micro plan , for which You will have to pay nominal charges ($7 / month).
      If you are a student,teacher or an administration then GitHub provide micro plan for free.You can apply for free education account from here .

      This is the guide for setting up git in your system.It is available for windows/Linux/Mac OS X.Click here to install Git.

      Some useful Git commands :
      • "git init": initializes a directory as a Git repository.
      • "git add": adds file contents to the staging area.
      • "git status": view the status of your files in the working directory and staging area (use "git status -s" for short output).
      • "git diff": shows diff of what is staged and what is modified but unstaged (use -m for commit message).
      • "git commit": records a snapshot of the staging area.
      • "git commit -a": if you deleted any files from local repo then delete those files from remote github repo.
      • "git remote": list repository aliases.
      • "git remote add [alias] [url]": add alias for a repo.
      • "git remote rm [alias]": remove alias from current repo.

      Enjoy !!!!

      Monday, April 30, 2012

      Unlimited Storage on Google Picasa Web

      Use Google Picasa to store unlimited photos and videos
      Picasa Web provide 1GB of free storage for images and videos but it can be converted into unlimited space if we follow some constraints.
      1. If photo size is up to 2048 x 2048 pixels then space taken by photo does not take any space on picasaweb. i.e. it won't count towards your free storage(1 GB) quota.
      2. Videos up to 15 minutes also won't count towards your free storage quota
      3. Use Picasa software to upload photo albums on picasaweb because it automatically resized all the images into free size limit (2048 x 2048 pixels).
      4. Once you reach your storage limit, any new photos you upload to picasaweb larger than the free size limit will be automatically resized to 2048 pixels.
       I have uploaded aprox 15 GB of images and videos on picasaweb  and still total space used is 40 MB . \m/ \m/ \m/

      Enjoy !!!!

      Friday, April 20, 2012

      Install libgraph library in GCC

      Step #1.Install the following in Synaptic Package Manager
      • libsdl-image1.2
      • libsdl-image1.2-dev
      • guile-1.8-dev
      • guile-1.8 
      Step #2. Download and install libgraph then
      • ./configure
      • sudo make
      • sudo make install
      Step #3  Include graphics.h in your C program . Initialize the graphics system by
      • int gd=DETECT, gm=VGAMAX;
      • initgraph(&gd, &gm, NULL);

      Step #4 you need to copy all the libgraph shared files from /usr/local/lib to /usr/lib
      •  sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libgraph.* /usr/lib

      Now Compile the program  using following command : gcc filename.c -lgraph

      Enjoy !!!!