Friday, May 4, 2012

Github - the Git revision control system

GitHub is the most popular Git hosting site which provides social networking functionality such as feeds, followers and the network graph to display how developers work on their versions of a repository.
I started using git one year before and i am a great fan of github.It provides 300 MB of free space for creating public repositories. You can also create private repositories under micro plan , for which You will have to pay nominal charges ($7 / month).
If you are a student,teacher or an administration then GitHub provide micro plan for free.You can apply for free education account from here .

This is the guide for setting up git in your system.It is available for windows/Linux/Mac OS X.Click here to install Git.

Some useful Git commands :
  • "git init": initializes a directory as a Git repository.
  • "git add": adds file contents to the staging area.
  • "git status": view the status of your files in the working directory and staging area (use "git status -s" for short output).
  • "git diff": shows diff of what is staged and what is modified but unstaged (use -m for commit message).
  • "git commit": records a snapshot of the staging area.
  • "git commit -a": if you deleted any files from local repo then delete those files from remote github repo.
  • "git remote": list repository aliases.
  • "git remote add [alias] [url]": add alias for a repo.
  • "git remote rm [alias]": remove alias from current repo.

Enjoy !!!!


  1. i will suggest evrybody to use GIT

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