Saturday, November 8, 2014

HPing: How to generate TCP traffic

Hping is a network tool able to send custom TCP/IP packets and to display target replies like ping program does with ICMP replies. HPING can be used to create IP packets containing TCP, UDP or ICMP payloads. All header fields can be modified and controlled using the command line. If interface MTU less then Payload then packet will be fragmented but in case of SendIP, packet will be dropped by Linux Cllient.

How To Install

Download Tarbell package from here.
Steps to install:
  1. Untar it in some folder. (tar -xzvf hping2.0.0-rc2.tar.gz)
  2. Goto hping folder ( cd hping2-rc2/ )
  3. ./configure
  4. sudo make
  5. make install
  6. Now if you do 'hping2 --h' on Linux CLI, It should show all the options available.

How To Use

Basic Options:
  • -c --count  //count Stop after sending (and receiving) count response packets
  • -i --interval  //Wait the specified number of seconds or micro seconds between sending each packet. --interval X set wait to X seconds, --interval uX set wait to X micro seconds.
  • -I --interface  //interface name
  • -V --verbose  //Enable verbose output. TCP replies will be shown as follows: len=46 ip= flags=RA DF seq=0 ttl=255 id=0 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms tos=0 iplen=40 seq=0 ack=1380893504 sum=2010 urp=0

Protocol Selection:

  • Default protocol is TCP, by default hping2 will send tcp headers to target host's port 0 with a winsize of 64 without any tcp flag on.
  • -1 --icmp //ICMP mode, by default hping2 will send ICMP echo-request, you can set other ICMP type/code using --icmptype --icmpcode options.
  • -2 --udp //UDP mode, by default hping2 will send udp to target host's port 0. UDP header tunable options are the following: --baseport, --destport, --keep.


  • TCP: hping -p 23 -c 1 -P -A -s 36617 -d 1170 //-s source port,-p dest port,-w Set TCP window size. Default is 64.,-M --tcpseq,-F --fin,-S --syn,-R --rst, -P --push,-A --ack,-U --urg,-X --xmas,-Y --ymas
  • ICMP: hping -1 --icmptype 128 --icmpcode 0 // --icmptype --icmpcode, echo req - 8,0
  • UDP: hping -2 --baseport 34444 --destport 34567 //--baseport, --destport, --keep.

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