Monday, May 21, 2012

How To Set Proxy in Ubuntu terminal

If you are under a proxy server, and want to access net using http or ftp through Terminal,you will need to export http_proxy/ftp_proxy variables. 
 For a HTTP proxy, simply run the following command in a terminal
  •  export http_proxy='http://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port " 
For a HTTPs and FTP 
  •  export https_proxy=https://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port 
  •  export ftp_proxy=ftp://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port   
If there is no username and password required for your proxy then simply remove the username and password section. 

  • " export https_proxy=https://proxy_ip:port "
These settings are saved into  /etc/apt/apt.conf file .So you can directly add these variables using text editor .First open the apt.conf file
  • " sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf "
then enter the username,password,proxy_ip and port in given format
  •  Acquire::http::proxy "http://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port ";
  •  Acquire::https::proxy "https://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port" ;
  •  Acquire::ftp::proxy "ftp://proxy_username:password@proxy_ip:port ";

Enjoy !!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How to solve Google sign in issue in Picasa (Ubuntu)

In a earlier blog post i talked about how to use Picasa software to store unlimited imaged and videos on PicasaWeb . Many of you may have installed  Picasa on Ubuntu(Linux) .But when you try to log in into your google account to upload images on Picasaweb or Google+ , it gives error check your internet connection (atleast with me it always happened).
In this blog i am going to show you how to install picasa and solve the login issue .
The "trick" is simply to install Internet Explorer 6 using Winetricks, which is required because Picasa 3.9 uses Google OAuth.

Step# 1. Install Wine and Winetricks using following commands
  • "sudo apt-get install wine winetrick"
Step# 2. Install Picasa 3.9
  • "cd && wget" or "manually download it to your home directory using this link"
  • "wine picasa39-setup.exe" (it will prompt for path where you want to install Picasa , I chose my document folder)
Step# 3. To login to google account you must install IE6 via winetricks using following command
  • "winetricks ie6
(If IE setup doesn't start and you get an error then you can manually download IE6 from this link in ~/.cache/winetricks/ie6/ folder  then run "winetricks ie6" )

Step# 4. when the installation of IE6  is successful , run Picasa .Now click the login link on the Picasa the Google/Picasa login should now work. :)

Enjoy !!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

How To Skip Ads On YouTube

Everyone likes Youtube but ads while viewing videos is a big problem.Some Users are getting fed up with these video ads that are forced to watch.
Here i am giving you a simple way to skip these ads on Google Chrome .
Install this addons on Google Chrome :

This extension adds a blue button to the YouTube video page. Users have to click on the button every time to skip the ads on the site.Here is the snapshot :

enjoy ads free Youtube :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Install TV-Maxe (SopCast Player) in Ubuntu and watch online TV

TV-MAXE is an application that you can use to watch TV stations online, through a P2P technology called SopCast.

To install the latest TV-Maxe in Ubuntu, use the commands below:
  • "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:venerix/blug"
  • "sudo apt-get update"
  • "sudo apt-get install tv-maxe"
enjoy !!!

watching HBO :)

Available TV-Channels on TV-MAXE
  1. AXN
  2. AXN Crime
  3. AXN Sci-Fi
  4. BBC News
  5. BBC World
  6. CNBC
  7. Cartoon Network
  8. CNN
  9. Comedy Central
  10. Discovery Channel
  11. Disney Channel
  12. ESPN
  13. HBO
  14. HBO Comedy
  15. HBO HD
  16. Hit Music TV
  17. MGM
  18. MOOZ HD
  19. MOOZ Hits
  20. History Channel
  21. National Geographic
  22. Sony Entertainment ........and many more ( Total 123 channel Romania and International channels )

Add Subscription :

If You have any subscription of channels then you can also add this subscription to TV-maxe .
  • Go to : "TV-maxe > Preferences > subscriptions " and Click on add.
Here i am giving you a international channel subscription .it contains 24 channels. You can add this to your subscription.

Add Channels :
You can also add your favorite  channels as follow :
  • Click on : "TV-maxe > list > add a new channel"  (a new window will be prompted)

  • Add New channel name and  its URL .You can also add icon to this channel .
Here i am giving you some of my favorite indian channels name with their Streaming URL. You can add these channels to TV-maxe :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Edit videos using ffmpeg in linux ubuntu

FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the leading audio/video codec library and the ffmpeg command line program for transcoding multimedia files.
  • Install ffmpeg in Ubuntu : "sudo apt-get install ffmpeg"
 FFmpeg commands to edit videos :

1. Extracting a clip from a longer video( -ss for start time , -t for end time and -sameq for same quality)
  • "ffmpeg -ss 00:06:09 -t 00:00:15 -i infile.avi  -sameq  outfile.avi"

 2. Merge audio and video
  • "ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -i input.avi -sameq output.avi"
3. Convert a file from one format to another
  • "ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mpg"
4. Change resolution of video ( -s = size)
  • "ffmpeg -i  inputfile.avi  -s 320x240  outputfile.avi"
5. Crop a video
  • "ffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -croptop 88 -cropbottom 88 -cropleft 360 -cropright 360 outputfile.avi"
6. Extract (save) all Frames of a videos ( "-r"=  rate (fps)  )
  • "ffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -r 1  image-%3d.jpeg"
7. Extract audio from a video ( -b = bit rate)
  • "ffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -b 128k out.mp3"

Enjoy !!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Github - the Git revision control system

GitHub is the most popular Git hosting site which provides social networking functionality such as feeds, followers and the network graph to display how developers work on their versions of a repository.
I started using git one year before and i am a great fan of github.It provides 300 MB of free space for creating public repositories. You can also create private repositories under micro plan , for which You will have to pay nominal charges ($7 / month).
If you are a student,teacher or an administration then GitHub provide micro plan for free.You can apply for free education account from here .

This is the guide for setting up git in your system.It is available for windows/Linux/Mac OS X.Click here to install Git.

Some useful Git commands :
  • "git init": initializes a directory as a Git repository.
  • "git add": adds file contents to the staging area.
  • "git status": view the status of your files in the working directory and staging area (use "git status -s" for short output).
  • "git diff": shows diff of what is staged and what is modified but unstaged (use -m for commit message).
  • "git commit": records a snapshot of the staging area.
  • "git commit -a": if you deleted any files from local repo then delete those files from remote github repo.
  • "git remote": list repository aliases.
  • "git remote add [alias] [url]": add alias for a repo.
  • "git remote rm [alias]": remove alias from current repo.

Enjoy !!!!