Thursday, December 6, 2012

Some Basic Networking Commands : Linux/Windows

I this post i am gonna write about some basic Networking commands used in Windows/Linux that i found important.
  • Display Network configuration and interfaces
    1. windows : "ipconfig" or "ipconfig /all"
    2. Linux: "ifconfig" or "ifconfig interface-name"
  • Show all running Tasks/Applications
    1. windows : "tasklist
    2. Linux: "ps aux" or "top" (Top is used to show memory and CPU used by running process)
  • Kill a task
    1. windows : "taskkill -pid 4000" or "taskkill -im iexplore.exe" ( Here -im is for image name)
    2. Linux: "kill -9 pid"
  • Displays the active TCP connections and ports on which the computer is listening
    1. windows : "netstat -a"
    2. Linux: "netstat -an"
  • Diagnose the Domain Name System (DNS) : Resolves a hostname to IP address
    1. windows : "nslookup
    2. Linux: "dig"
  • Ping : tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable or not.
    1. windows/Linux IPv4 : "ping"
    2. Windows/Linux IPv6: "ping6 9901::1"
  • Path Ping : To see all the routers present in path to Destination
    1. windows : "pathping
    2. Linux: "tracepath"
  • Assign IP/Subnet to Linux interfaces
    1. Linux - IPv4 : "ifconfig eth0 netmask"
    2. or Linux - IPv4 : "ifconfig eth0"
    3. Linux - IPv6 : "ifconfig eth1 inet6 add 9901::2/64 "
  • Delete IP from Linux interfaces
    1. Linux - IPv4 : "ifconfig eth1 del netmask"
    2. Linux - IPv6 : "ifconfig eth1 inet6 del 9901::2/64"
  • Change MTU(Maximum Transmit Unit through an Interface) of Linux interfaces
    1. Linux : "ifconfig interface_name mtu value"
    2. Linux : "ifconfig eth1 mtu 1300"
  • Print routing tables
    1. windows : "netstat -r" or "route print"
    2. Linux- IPv4: "route -A inet" or "route -4" or "ip route"
    3. Linux -IPv6: "route -A inet6" or "route -6" or "ip -6 route"
    • Add/Delete static routes
      1. windows- IPv4 : "route add mask"
      2. Windows - IPv6 : "netsh interface ipv6 add route 9901::/64 "Local Area Connection" 2001::1"
      3. Linux-IP4: "route add -net netmask gw"
      4. Linux-IP4: "ip route add via"
      5. Linux-IP6: "route -A inet6 add 9901::/64 gw 2001:0db8:0:f101::1"
      6. Linux-IP6: "ip -6 route add 9901::/64 via 2001:0db8:0:f101::1"
    • Trace route : to diagnostic tool for displaying the route
      1. windows : "tracert"
      2. Linux: "traceroute"
    • Secure Shell :SSH is a network protocol for secure data communication and remote command execution
      1. SSH-IPv4 : "ssh username@IPv4_address" Ex: ssh root@ then it will ask you for password.
      2. SSH-IPv6: "ssh username@IPv6_address"  Ex : ssh username@9901::1.
    • Secure FTP : SFTP is a network protocol that provides file access, file transfer, and file management functionalities over any reliable data stream.
      1. SFTP-IPv4 : "sftp username@IPv4_address". Ex: sftp root@
      2. Linux: "sftp username@[IPv6_address]". Ex:  sftp username@[9901::15]
    • Secure Copy or SCP : Secure copy or SCP is a means of securely transferring computer files between a local host and a remote host or between two remote hosts. It is based on the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.
      1. SCP Linux : scp  username@IP:/Dir/File_name /local_dir
      2. Ex:     scp  root@ .
      3. SCP windows : For windows you can use, WinSCP. Its a GUI based tool.